Kathleen Sienna Kelly, founded and directed,
The Developing Artist Institute, 
a brick and mortar private art school
(2000-2005) in Manchester, CT.
Kathleen now works with client-artists
from around the world via her new Sarasota-based studio company.
Clients who prefer an in-person experience are encouraged to reach out.
Kathleen meets with all clients.
Given availability options exist to waitlist or
begin with a studio instructor right away. 
As availability presents, clients may 
choose to study with Kathleen.

Each client arrives with life-experiences
invaluable to their work.  
Kathleen is an expert at evaluating
artist skills and potentials.
The team works with artists
of all levels, mediums and trajectories. 

Kathleen's team is focused on
equipping each client
with the targeted skills to work
at their fullest creative and
technical potential and see the results! 

Explore the diverse client work below
(a mix of student and professional artists).
Please share your story, today, and inquire
regarding art sessions.

Client's Stated Goal: "To one-day animate my own characters - specifically the human form in my own art style."
Our Plan: To Utilize Professor George B. Bridgman's book,  "Bridgman's Complete Guide to Drawing from Life" as the foundation for our sessions.
The client draws and refines drawings based on targeted
instruction and critique of his drawings throughout the session. 
Client also completes assigned practice drawings referenced in the same book between weekly sessions.
From Anatomy to Character Development
Introduction of Directional Lighting 
when handled Consistently creates the Illusion 
of fabric and Texture in harmony with the figure
Introduction to value Scale
Each Student has 2-3 Values they Cannot PERCEIVE
Tuning the eye to See the Full Range of Value
Building Up Values to Create the Illusion of depth
Painting the Head and Chest
Transition from achromatic painting to
color with values intact
Introduce Use of Color Study Method
to increase speed and Proficiency
"The most expedient and productive online teaching method
begins with a student choosing a point of reference —
it's earth-shattering and world-building." 
 — KSK
* All copyrights for source materials and reference photography rests with the original copyright owner. Students select their point of reference for the purpose of deconstruction toward understanding art, methods, processes, technology and excellence. 
Approximately 50% of student work displayed is original. © All rights reserved to the respective artists and photographers.

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