Hosts are invited to fill out the contact form below to arrange a potential site visit by Kathleen Kelly. She is still planning the 2025 release of the new Artist Survey along with an exhibition. 
Art collectors, home owners and local business are encouraged to fill out the same form to request details about owning the soon to be unveiled Artist Survey of The Gulf Coast of Florida by the artist.
Sun Sea Originals, LLC 
Fine Art for the Gulf Coast TM
Bays, Lakes & Waterscapes will be on display for the first time at
"See The Unseen," A solo exhibition of Kathleen Kelly's work at
Art Ovation Hotel (Sarasota, FL) starting Tuesday 9/3/2024.
Come by the Artist-in-Residence Art Studio on the 1st Floor of
Art Ovation Hotel to introduce yourself and inquire with the artist about her vision for "Artist Survey's" and the multi-year processes involved in creating large scale, one-of-a-kind projects with a focus on bodies of water, the communities that sustain them and the relationships that fuel new and exciting artworks and editions.
Thank you!
The early stage of an Artist Survey is all about
relationship - establishing rapport and building
  trust with property owners | managers,
organizations, corporations. preservations and trusts.
Kathleen has accomplished (2) Artist Surveys.
Each unfolded organically and along the way refined a process which has produced creative, beautiful, and successful outcomes.
"Not one Artist Survey would exist
without an owner extending an invitation
for me to paint onsite. For this, I am grateful!"
KSK 2017
Once introductions have been made and permissions granted,
a mutually beneficial date and time is established.
Then Kathleen arrives with an art bag, easel, 
drop cloth and canvas ready for an adventure to begin. 
Each painting requires 1 - 3 on-site sessions. 
 "The vision for Bays, Lakes, and Waterscapes was first shared with Robyn Holl, Cultural Curator, Art Ovation Hotel over pastries and espresso in my art studio surrounded by canvasses.
She expressed feeling invigorated through our conversation and the potential of hosting a future Artist Survey exhibit. 
Kathleen's first Augmented Reality exhibition will launch September 2024 at Art Ovation Hotel. This has established a connection between dual exhibition types both physical and virtual. Anticipate 2025 and 2026 Bays, Lakes and Waterscapes to feature the same dual type exhibition experiences. The virtual, digitally-geolocated exhibit to be held at an outdoor venue in proximity
to Sarasota Bay where the public can use a smart phone
to scan a QRC code and access al the artwork on the Limited Edition Print while the actual paintings are on exhibition at Art Ovation Hotel.
Artist Statement:
The Artist Survey organically unfolded as a means for Kathleen Kelly, painter to oriented herself around large bodies of water. The artist highly regards the art process, concepts of identity building and creating access, capturing the presence and place-ness of a physical location and experiencing the natural elements of sun, wind, sea, air, and sky. 
How is this Artist Survey Different? 
 "Bays and Lakes" covers a land mass far greater than anything I have imagined working with before. I am confident the established process will guide me to an exciting and successful conclusion. 
How do you even begin?
It begins one relationship at a time. The Artist Survey would not exist without relationships. One person opens their private view to me. They trust me to honor it. One success upon the next. It includes being flexible and ready for all kinds of weather... and it moves at it's own pace as months go by and canvasses are completed - the vision becomes an exciting reality - that involves far greater stories than we could have anticipated. 
"While comprised of many locations each Artist Survey' presents as if a single portrait client. A client that consistently presents as 'the water' and captivates our attention." 

"I recall a significant moment standing on the edge of the lake (2014) visualizing paintings I had completed around it's circumference...  when I remembered Marcel Duchamp's, Nude Descending a Staircase, from Professor Buckberrough's Art History course during my MFA at the Hartford Art School (Connecticut, 2000). 

While stylistically different, Duchamp and I are conceptually, kindred.

"An Artist Survey is 'my staircase.' Each stair is a painting. Each painting a different angle of the same portrait made possible through different locations which create a fascinating whole - never seen before."
Each artist survey activates and encapsulates Kathleen's passion for painting, relationship building, making visible the unseen, creating access to natural resources, community through art experience,   sustainable practices, and standing in awe of this beautiful world."
Keep and eye out for Bays, Lakes and Waterscapes, an Artist Survey, by Kathleen Kelly in 2025-26.

West Hill Artist Survey is a Limited Edition Print by Kathleen Sienna Kelly.

Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2
 (French: Nu descendant un escalier n° 2) is a 1912 painting by Marcel Duchamp

Highland Lake Artist Survey is a Limited Edition Print by Kathleen Sienna Kelly.

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